AptekaMos.ru is the first and one of the most successful Internet portals for search and assistance in buying medicines in pharmacies. There are about 1 million users and visits per month. The confidence index is 8 (out of 10).
Services for doctors and public:
• Search for the lowest price among the medicines list.
• Reference book of medicines.
• Public service AptekaMos: 8 (495) 775-79-57, 8 (800) 555-62-65 - ordering of medicines, consultations.
• AptekaMos app for iOS and Android.
Services for pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies:
• Publication of price lists.
• Medicines withdrawal information. Regulations.
• Medicine retail market monitoring (API).
• Advertising campaign conduction.
Services for doctors and public:
• Search for the lowest price among the medicines list.
• Reference book of medicines.
• Public service AptekaMos: 8 (495) 775-79-57, 8 (800) 555-62-65 - ordering of medicines, consultations.
• AptekaMos app for iOS and Android.
Services for pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies:
• Publication of price lists.
• Medicines withdrawal information. Regulations.
• Medicine retail market monitoring (API).
• Advertising campaign conduction.
Welcome to visit
- booth AptekaMos B405
The conceptual and operational aim of the magazine is to provide the exclusive readers with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda and Yoga and the ways of adapting and applying them into the present lifestyle and thus improve the quality of professional, social, personal, mental, intellectual and spiritual lives.
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- booth Ayurveda & Yoga, magazine B702
DaSigna is a periodical issue uniting all the best for pharmaceutical specialists and managers. On the one hand DaSigna is an informative and educational magazine. On its pages experts lead rubrics about managment, sales techniques, answer readers' questions. On the other hand, the magazine is a fascinating guide for women on the topics of psychology, health and beauty. DaSigna is distributed in 25 cities of Russia. DaSigna is the number one magazine in the ranking of periodicals for pharmaceutical specialist.
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- booth DaSigna A1401
Research and production peer-reviewed magazine – applied edition for professionals involved in all stages of drug production: starting from development to certification. Magazine is a strategic informational partner of all key chemical and pharmaceuticals events.
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- booth "Drug Development & Registration" Magazine A302
«Moscow pharmacies». Published since 1995.Professional information for chemist’s specialists, managers of pharmacy’s company.
Each issue has:
• Hot topics of the industry;
• Expert opinion of the pharmaceutical business;
• Monitoring and ratings of the pharmaceutical market;
• Review of the assortment;
• Business training and consult of managers and employees of pharmacies.
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- booth Editorial office of Moscow pharmacies B405
Media project “GMP News” is a news digest - review of news and events related to the field of pharmaceutical development and implementation of GMP standards.
Special attention is given to interviews with leading specialist of industry, as well as reports and photo-reports.
The main information sources are press centers of pharmaceutical companies.
Magazine “GMP News - analytical and chronological edition on CIS pharmaceutical industry transition to GMP standards” is issued three times a year.
Special attention is given to interviews with leading specialist of industry, as well as reports and photo-reports.
The main information sources are press centers of pharmaceutical companies.
Magazine “GMP News - analytical and chronological edition on CIS pharmaceutical industry transition to GMP standards” is issued three times a year.
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- booth GMP News заочно
Pharmaceutical portal «INPHARM» – specialized information resource. News about the pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, retail and healthcare.
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- booth INPHARM B202
Otraslevye spravochniki Co. Ltd. (formerly ZAO "Faros plus") works in the Russian market of medical information since 1997 and is the founder and publisher of industry publications: the directory "Russian manufacturers of medical equipment and medical products", magazine "Medical devices", "Rehabilitation", "Modern laboratory diagnostics", "the Russian market is BAD", the newspaper for the public "Health without borders".
Welcome to visit
- booth Otraslevye spravochniki Co. Ltd. A801
Russian magazine "Promtechnologii and packaging", which is published in Moscow since 1993, is one of the most widely read publications for pharmaceutical plants of Russia and CIS. Harmonisering, production process, quality control, packaging of medicines, APIs and excipients are the leading topics of our journal. For 25 years, we have formed a database of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers, regularly receiving our magazine and literature on GMP. Index in the Rospechat catalogue-18370, also carried an editorial subscription.
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- booth Pharmaceutical technologies and packaging, magazine B403
The major objectives of the journal are:
— development of the effective professionally-oriented information resource
— foundation for the integration of knowledge and experience of researches and practitioners;
— promotion of the HTA principles in Russia;
— making expert opinion an important part of the decision making process in healthcare.
The main objective of the journal is the improvement of the medical and social effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare system, and the quality of medical and preventive care. Implementation of the optimal organizational methods and innovative technologies will contribute to the quality of life improvement in the Russian population.
● National and international experience in the comprehensive assessment of clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of medical technologies; application of this experience to healthcare administration
● Healthcare management and economics, drug supply, organization of medical care
● Algorithms for decision-making process in healthcare administration
● Information technologies for medical communities
● Research of current interest and discoveries in various fields of modern medicine, latest development of medical technologies
● Trainings for specialists with different levels of expertise (from administrative staff to practitioners)
Editor-in-Chief - Omelyanovskiy Vitaliy Vladimirovich
● Pirogov National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
● Foundation for the Development of Social Policy and Healthcare “HELIOS”, Moscow
Support of the Committee for Social Policy and Healthcare of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia
The journal is aimed at decision makers at the national and international levels, chief specialists and practical physicians, other specialists who work for the healthcare system (lawyers, sociologists, analysts) and medical community:
- Executive/legislative branches of government (departments, committees)
- Medical institutions (administration)
- Professional associations of healthcare specialists
- Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies
- Higher education institutions, research centers, libraries
- Investment and insurance companies
Circulation — Russian Federation, countries of former Soviet Union
The major objectives of the journal are:
— development of the effective professionally-oriented information resource
— foundation for the integration of knowledge and experience of researches and practitioners;
— promotion of the HTA principles in Russia;
— making expert opinion an important part of the decision making process in healthcare.
The main objective of the journal is the improvement of the medical and social effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare system, and the quality of medical and preventive care. Implementation of the optimal organizational methods and innovative technologies will contribute to the quality of life improvement in the Russian population.
● National and international experience in the comprehensive assessment of clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of medical technologies; application of this experience to healthcare administration
● Healthcare management and economics, drug supply, organization of medical care
● Algorithms for decision-making process in healthcare administration
● Information technologies for medical communities
● Research of current interest and discoveries in various fields of modern medicine, latest development of medical technologies
● Trainings for specialists with different levels of expertise (from administrative staff to practitioners)
Editor-in-Chief - Omelyanovskiy Vitaliy Vladimirovich
● Pirogov National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
● Foundation for the Development of Social Policy and Healthcare “HELIOS”, Moscow
Support of the Committee for Social Policy and Healthcare of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia
The journal is aimed at decision makers at the national and international levels, chief specialists and practical physicians, other specialists who work for the healthcare system (lawyers, sociologists, analysts) and medical community:
- Executive/legislative branches of government (departments, committees)
- Medical institutions (administration)
- Professional associations of healthcare specialists
- Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies
- Higher education institutions, research centers, libraries
- Investment and insurance companies
Circulation — Russian Federation, countries of former Soviet Union
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:Ltd "Publishing house "Russian doctor" produces scientific-practical journals: "Doctor","Nurse","Pharmacy","Molecular medicine","Sports medicine:science and practice, Issues of biological,medical and pharmaceutical chemistry
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- booth Russian Doctor Publishing House Ltd. заочно
Our activities:Statementvariable Newspapers
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