Fitosila Company was founded in 1998. The Company's sphere of activity is marketing health products. They are
biologically active substances (BAS), medical equipment, medicinal cosmetics, personal hygiene products, dietary
supplements, body shaping products and a lot of other things which by no means are necessary for leading a
productive life. The main aim is to provide the market with a wide range of related products, to form the standards of
the industry.
The company's policy is to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with partners. Flexible discount
system and individual approach let our clients choose the most advantageous conditions of cooperation.
biologically active substances (BAS), medical equipment, medicinal cosmetics, personal hygiene products, dietary
supplements, body shaping products and a lot of other things which by no means are necessary for leading a
productive life. The main aim is to provide the market with a wide range of related products, to form the standards of
the industry.
The company's policy is to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with partners. Flexible discount
system and individual approach let our clients choose the most advantageous conditions of cooperation.
Welcome to visit
- booth LLC Fitosila B505
Magazine “Polyclinic”
Tel./fax: 007 495 672 70 29 (92)
Electrodnaya str., 10, Moscow, Russia, 111524
http ://
The “Polyclinic” has been published since 1999. It’s oriented on general managers and all doctors. There are: information about legislative and normative documents in the field of health protection; practical medicine and science news; specialists consultations; articles about new medicals, medical techniques and radiology diagnosis, physiotherapeutic cure ways.
Magazine format: A4. Volume ? 150 pages. Circulation - 11 700, 1 time in 2 months. Distribution: subscription through "Rospechat" & editorial office; direct mail among Medical and Preventive Treatment Facilities; at exhibitions.
Tel./fax: 007 495 672 70 29 (92)
Electrodnaya str., 10, Moscow, Russia, 111524
http ://
The “Polyclinic” has been published since 1999. It’s oriented on general managers and all doctors. There are: information about legislative and normative documents in the field of health protection; practical medicine and science news; specialists consultations; articles about new medicals, medical techniques and radiology diagnosis, physiotherapeutic cure ways.
Magazine format: A4. Volume ? 150 pages. Circulation - 11 700, 1 time in 2 months. Distribution: subscription through "Rospechat" & editorial office; direct mail among Medical and Preventive Treatment Facilities; at exhibitions.
Welcome to visit
- booth Magazine “Polyclinic” заочно
Holding Aqua is a company founded with the participation of the state (a joint venture with CMCR) in the framework of the strategy of creating a leading enterprise of complete cycle for the extraction, bottling and distribution of mineral waters of Russia on the domestic and foreign markets,"Essentuki No. 4", "Essentuki №17", "Narzan", "Slavyanovskaya"
Welcome to visit
- booth OOO "HOLDING AGUA" A1103