26-th International Trade Fair for Pharmaceuticals Products
International Medical and Pharmaceutical Business Forum
December 2-5,  Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds

Alkor, OOO
Today, under the leadership of the Director General Dvornikova Tatiana Mikhailovna company "Malavit" develops and produces high-quality preventive and cosmetic products based on the original naturopathic hygiene "Malavit", not having analogues in the world."Malavit" - the original natural hygiene products, it operates not only through the skin and mucous membranes, but also through biologically active points, aktiviziruyutsya own defenses of self-improvement of man.

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  • booth Alkor, OOO A601

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Altayvitaminy, ZAO
Altayvitaminy is one of the top Russian pharmaceutical companies. More than 70 years we produce different types of original and traditional drugs (aerosols, tablets, ointments, syrups) famous for their quality and efficiency. We also manufacture dietary supplements, cosmetics and fortified food based on the natural components grown in Altay region. Our latest projects are the special MARAL product line made of maral deer antlers and a unique cosmetic micellar sea-buckthorn oil.

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  • booth Altayvitaminy, ZAO A601

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  • booth Cosmetics of Novosibirsk B101
manufacture of toothbrushes,production private label

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  • booth LOTUS HERBALS B702
Malavit LTD

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  • booth Malavit LTD A601
Tai Yan

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  • booth Tai Yan A501
Trade House Thai Co,. LTD.
A lot of traveling around the world, we met interesting and useful goods, which includes only plant-based ingredients, and the result of applying the not long to wait. Returning home, we searched for these products in Russia, but all attempts were unsuccessful, the products were completely absent on the Russian market. And so came the idea of creating the Trading House "Thai"

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  • booth Trade House Thai Co,. LTD. B803
The Russian industrial enterprise for the production of toothbrushes full cycle. The product range is unique on the Russian market, and the quality level allows you to compete with famous European brands. Creative models brushes will satisfy even the most demanding customer. The choice of the customer is offered a wide palette of colors, such as handles of brushes and bristles.

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  • booth Zavod Zubnyh Shetok A1304