26-th International Trade Fair for Pharmaceuticals Products
International Medical and Pharmaceutical Business Forum
December 2-5,  Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds

booth A1401

Contact details

Address: 105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya str., 16, building 1, office №11
Phone: +7 (495) 545-09-80

Useful links

О компании
DaSigna is a periodical issue uniting all the best for pharmaceutical specialists and managers. On the one hand DaSigna is an informative and educational magazine. On its pages experts lead rubrics about managment, sales techniques, answer readers' questions. On the other hand, the magazine is a fascinating guide for women on the topics of psychology, health and beauty. DaSigna is distributed in 25 cities of Russia. DaSigna is the number one magazine in the ranking of periodicals for pharmaceutical specialist.

booth DaSigna A1401
Pavillion 7