26-th International Trade Fair for Pharmaceuticals Products
International Medical and Pharmaceutical Business Forum
December 2-5,  Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds

booth A601

Contact details

Address: Russia, 659304, Altai Krai, Biysk, street Boundary, 29.
Phone: +7 (3854) 33-47-31
Fax: +7 (3854) 33-46-98

Useful links

О компании
Our company is one of the few manufacturers of children's vitamin and preventative products in the form of delicious chocolates and natural herbal syrups and dietary Supplements and balms for adults on the basis of pantohematogen, who can confidently Express themselves, our main difference is that no one on the team can say, "I don't care what to produce and sell".

booth YUG, LTD A601
Pavillion 7