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Contact details
Address: Kazakhstan, 050042, Almaty, Zhandosova str, 98, 603 office
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О компании
Specialized edition for participants of the pharmaceutical market and doctors. The newspaper is regularly read by managers of the retail, distribution and manufacturing sectors of the pharmaceutical and drugstore markets, organizers of the health care and drug provision. The newspaper publishes materials on pharmaceutical business, analytical reviews; normative and legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; clinical experience of drug use. The publication reflects the foreign experience of the organization of medical and medicinal care, pharmaceutical business.
The “Ugolok Aptekarya” rubric is the information source for pharmacists and retail druggists. The periodical is issued from November 1995, two times per month, and distributed by subscription.
The website PHARMNEWS.KZ is one of the best professional pharmaceutical Internet resources in the CIS, which covers the world and Republican pharmacy news; information about registered drugs, medical devices and health care products, wholesale medicine prices; and the provision of the legislative framework of the industry.
The “Ugolok Aptekarya” rubric is the information source for pharmacists and retail druggists. The periodical is issued from November 1995, two times per month, and distributed by subscription.
The website PHARMNEWS.KZ is one of the best professional pharmaceutical Internet resources in the CIS, which covers the world and Republican pharmacy news; information about registered drugs, medical devices and health care products, wholesale medicine prices; and the provision of the legislative framework of the industry.